Online gaming with a PlayStation or Xbox console was pretty much impossible for the better part of last week as both gaming networks, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live, were taken down with a distributed denial of service attack a day before Christmas. The company took a couple of days to get everything sorted and running smoothly, leaving many gamers frustrated. Since then things have been shuffled around to accommodate for this unforeseen event and now Sony is doing the same. It has extended flash and holiday sales on the PlayStation Store.
Sony acknowledged in a post on its blog that many of its users experienced issues with connecting to PSN over the weekend, and due to popular demand, it is extending the flash sale and holiday sale in the PlayStation Store. This means that gamers get an additional day to get their hands on some new titles for heavily discounted prices.
The flash sale has been extended till 12:00pm Pacific Time on December 31st. Holiday sale will run through 12:00pm Pacific Time on January 6th.
Popular games like FIFA 15, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, NBA2K15, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and more are being offered for up to 75 percent off in the flash sale. In the holiday sale games like GTA V, Battlefield 4 and many more have been discounted. The full lineup is detailed on the official PlayStation blog.
Filed in Playstation Network and Sony.
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