dmc-deFor those of you who happen to be rocking out to the Sony PS4, here is some news that you might be interested in – DmC: Definitive Edition is said to be making its way to the PS4 platform this coming March 17th, 2015. Of course, what would make DmC: Definitive Edition so special? Based on its name, it intends to live up to every pixel of its billing, where DmC: Devil May Cry has been improved and optimized in numerous ways. This is where the developer managed to squeeze in whatever they wanted to be there in the original DmC, but never really managed to get the chance to do so.

In carving out DmC Definitive Edition, the developer has obtained on-board player feedback as well as thrown in a slew of the most requested features. Not only that, your eyes will definitely marvel at the visuals that are in store, including a silky smooth running speed of 60 fps at 1080p. In addition, DmC Definitive Edition will also be accompanied by all of the DLCs released to date – not to mention a bunch of new modes to boot. There will be a couple of new character skins for you to fawn over, and Turbo Mode will also make a return in this series. Heck , if you are a glutton for punishment, there is also the Hardcore Mode that makes ranking up a whole lot more difficult, while ranks deteriorate far quicker. Are you stoked yet? [Press Release]

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