Before Microsoft formally unveiled Windows 10 there had been rumors that the company will integrate Cortana into the OS. This was confirmed when the official announcement was made. Even though the Windows 10 Technical Preview was released soon after we never got to see Cortana integration, until now. A video has been posted online which shows Cortana running on an unreleased build of Windows 10.

The folks at WinBeta got access to the unreleased build and put up a video preview for all to see. It merits mentioning here that the state in which we see Cortana here is pre-release, which means that this probably won’t be what the final product looks like, there is a huge possibility that the end user implementation of Cortana might be different from what we see here.

It is mentioned in the accompanying report that Cortana’s user interface has not been finished in this build so expect the virtual assistant to look different when the final version hits with the consumer release of Windows 10.

Functionality appears to be at par with that of the Windows Phone version. Cortana on Windows 10 can pull up maps and location, call people through Skype, set reminders, launch applications, play or pause music, check the weather and much more.

According to various reports Microsoft is testing different methods of surfacing Cortana, including but not limited to a dedicated icon on the taskbar where one would expect to find the search button.

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