Cicret Bracelet Undergoes Crowdfunding Campaign

In this day and age, there are many great ideas that could take off – but only if you happen to be able to convince the rest of the masses that you believe so, as you require a sum of money to get that particular project off the ground. The Cicret team have begun to look to crowdfunding to work on what they call the Cicret Bracelet. As the name reveals itself, you wear this bad boy in the same manner as that of a bracelet, and whenever you like, it would be able to project a display of a mobile device on your arm.
While it shows off the Cicret Bracelet working with the Android platform at the moment, it would not be too surprising at all should there be an iOS version some time down the road. Right now, the Cicret Bracelet has a goal of 700,000 Euros, which is roughly $869,319.50 after conversion. It is still some ways off from meeting the goal, so you might want to start checking it out. What happens if you are a little bit more hirsute than the rest of the folks out there? Perhaps you might want to shave that part of your arm beforehand, or will it work just right regardless?
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