Sledgehammer Games, also known as the folks behind Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, have announced a new game mode for this title. The team-based mode is called One Shot and it features the Mors Railgun Sniper. Moreover, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is also getting Double XP over this weekend while gamers play in the new mode.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was released a few weeks back. It is the latest addition to the very popular Call of Duty franchise. The game is set in the future, revolving around a private military contractor gone rogue against the state. Data from retail trackers shows that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was the best-selling retail game of 2014 in the country.
One Shot is a new snipers-only game mode with decreased health and highly specific classes. There are five classes which have been designed by Sledgehammer’s development team and OpTic NaDeSHoT “to test the true sniper skill of Advanced Warfare.”
All classes feature the Mors, which is a bolt-action railgun sniper, along with varying perks, Scorestreaks and Exo abilities. All of the five classes are detailed on Sledgehammer’s blog.
There is just one caveat though. The One Shot mode is time-barred. It went live over the weekend and will remain accessible, with Double XP, till 9 am 12/29.
Filed in Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
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