Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition Arriving On iPhone, Android 16th December

baldursgate2A few months ago, Beamdog released Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition onto the iPhone, so what about Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition? Well the game was released onto the iPad earlier this year and the good news is that if you had your eye on the game, you will be pleased to learn that Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition will be arriving on the iPhone and Android devices come 16th of December.

Now we’re not sure why you would want to play this RPG on a smaller device, but we guess if you don’t own the iPad this could be a way to enjoy the game while on the go. We also suppose the larger displays of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus should make it easier compared to the 4-inch display of the iPhone 5s and its siblings.

No word on how much Beamdog plans on charging for the iPhone version or the Android version, but given that the iPad version costs $14.99, there is a good chance we could be looking at the same price, or at least somewhere close to it, but given that the game does take a while to complete, we guess some of you could find its asking price worth paying for.

Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition will introduce new characters, spells, classes, and quests in addition to the updated graphics. However the core of the game should remain the same, so if you want to relive Baldur’s Gate 2 but with new features, then this could be it.

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