assassins-creed-movieAssassin’s Creed Unity is a pretty-looking game and its setting is pretty awesome too. For those unfamiliar, Assassin’s Creed Unity is set in Paris, France during the French Revolution which is rich in history. That being said, what can we expect for the next major Assassin’s Creed title? Well according to the folks at Kotaku, next year’s Assassin’s Creed will be set in London.

This has since been confirmed by the folks at Ubisoft who seemed a bit reluctant to confirm the leaked information, but we guess since it’s out, they might as well make it official. According to a statement released by Ubisoft, “It is always unfortunate when internal assets, not intended for public consumption, are leaked. And, while we certainly welcome anticipation for all of our upcoming titles, we’re disappointed for our fans, and our development team, that this conceptual asset is now public.”

However Ubisoft has yet to confirm the details of the game, save for the time period in which it is set. According to the leaked information, the next title could be called “Victory” which could be a nod towards the Victorian period, an era which many Assassin’s Creed fans have been asking Ubisoft for, and it looks like their wish could be coming true.

The game will also be developed by Ubisoft Quebec as opposed to Ubisoft Montreal who usually creates the major Assassin’s Creed titles. There will also reportedly be no Xbox 360/PS3 versions of the game as Ubisoft will be shifting their focus to consoles like the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4.

All of this sounds great but as you might have heard, despite how pretty Unity is, it is plagued with a bunch of problems that has ruined the experience for many gamers. Hopefully Ubisoft manages to set things right and learn their lesson so that history won’t repeat itself with 2015’s Assassin’s Creed. That being said are you excited for the next Assassin’s Creed title, or has Unity’s problems put you off the franchise for good?

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