The World of Warcraft expansion Warlords of Draenor might not have introduced new classes or  races to the game, but what it did introduce was updated character models which we’re sure many gamers will agree was a long time coming. Blizzard has updated the animation and textures for some of the races in the game, such as the Undead, Orc, Tauren, Troll, Human, Night Elf, Dwarf, and Gnome.

These new models feature less “flat” textures and look more “realistic”, at least as far as Blizzard’s art style is concerned. They have better animations and better facial features, and if you’re curious as to what went on behind the scenes, Blizzard has released a new video which features the developer’s senior art director Chris Robinson.

The video basically takes us behind the scenes and details what was the process involved in designing these new character models for the game. While it isn’t exactly a documentary, it shows a visual change from the older model to the newer old, where the limbs and facial features look less blocky and smoother. It’s pretty entertaining and if you have a couple of minutes to spare, you can check it out in the video above.

In the meantime Warlords of Draenor, the fifth World of Warcraft expansion, is live and based on reviews, has been met with a lot of positive feedback. It has also managed to bring Blizzard’s World of Warcraft subscription to over 10 million, a number which Blizzard hasn’t seen in years.

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