RemoteIE From Microsoft Lets You Use IE On Any Operating System

When it comes to the world of web browsers, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, or IE for short, has long reigned supreme after knocking Netscape off its perch – until the likes of Firefox and Chrome crept into the scene. These days, tech savvy folk tend to use web browsers that are different from that of IE, and it is no surprise why, either. Perhaps the folks over at Microsoft want to introduce a perception change among the masses where IE is concerned, hence the debut of RemoteIE which would allow one to enjoy IE regardless of the operating system – iOS included.
RemoteIE happens to be a spanking new tool that will function through the Azure Remote app, and best of all is, this particular service happens to be free. It will enable users to run the most recent version of Internet Explorer from the Windows 10 Technical Preview, regardless of the device, be it one that is powered by OS X, iOS or Android too, and to do so sans a virtual machine is definitely a worthy achievement.
The whole idea behind this is to make life easier for developers who would like to come up with content for the most recent version of Internet Explorer regardless of the OS that they use in their everyday computing life. Sounds neat, don’t you think so?
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