It seems that with the first batch of add-on content for Mario Kart 8
being made available, there is a trio of is new characters added to the mix, not to mention a quartet of new vehicles as well as another eight more tracks for you to master. Needless to say, with Link from The Legend of Zelda being a playable character at the moment, he looks absolutely cool while riding a motorcycle that looks as though it hails from the distant future, making him one of the more popular characters to take to the tracks from today onward. You can check out the death stare of Link in Mario Kart 8’s latest DLC right after the jump – it simply sends chills down one’s spine, with that kind of straight faced look that shows off plenty of determination to actually win the race. We do hope that the ice cold stare will translate to some victories on the tracks, this is for sure.
Have you downloaded the latest DLC for Mario Kart 8 on the Nintendo Wii U just yet? If you haven’t done so already, what are you waiting for? At least the inclusion of new characters will be able to add a refreshing look to the entire game, don’t you think so? It would be interesting to see just how long Link’s popularity is going to last here.
Filed in Gaming. Read more about Mario Kart 8.