Driveclub DLC Goes Free As An Apology For Botched Launch


On October 7th 2014 the much awaited game from Evolution Studios, Driveclub, was released. It was supposed to be a launch title for the PlayStation 4 last November but the release was pushed back by almost an entire year. When it finally did launch, Driveclub’s online features were riddled with bugs, and server troubles added to gamers’ agony. As an apology for the botched launched the developer Evolution Studios will now be providing a Driveclub DLC for free.

The free DLC will be offered to those who have purchased the full game. These DLC pack includes premium downloadable content for this month and it will start rolling out from November 25. There a good amount of content included in the packs that Evolution Studios hopes will make up for the launch woes.

The Ignition Expansion Pack and Photo-Finish Tour Pack brings five new cards, 22 new tour events, 10 new trophies and 10 new livery items for both online and offline play. Evolution Studios is also extending the Season Pass to include four extra packs which will be released in July 2015, so apart from the free DLC which is released this month, the Season Pass will include a total of 38 cars, 176 tour events and 80 new liveries.

A new update for the game will be released on Tuesday which brings a couple of improvements such as better multiplayer collision physics which reduce spin-outs, softening of the corner cutting penalty system, fix that allows club owners to update their club badges and an option to view everything that the club has unlocked.

Three new tracks are included in this update as well, the Yedepalli, Wester Ross and Los Pelambres, set in India, Scotland and Chile respectively.

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