warlords-of-draenorIt was just yesterday that the World of Warcraft expansion Warlords of Draenor had gone live and with some many players logging in at once and trying to complete the same quests as others, it is understandable that server queues might be long and there might be some latency issues.

Well as it turns out there was latency issues but apparently it was due to a DDoS attack which Blizzard has since confirmed. Posting in the World of Warcraft forums, Blizzard mentioned that they were trying to ease the server load, but in the process they noticed that they had been hit with a DDoS attack with led to latency issues.

“While that solution helped a ton for our North American launch, we ran into a few other issues, including a distributed denial of service attack, that resulted in increased latency.” While it isn’t the first time we’ve heard of Blizzard being hit by DDoS attacks, the fact that Blizzard has had other spotty launches has led players to remain skeptical of Blizzard’s excuse.

That being said, Blizzard has recently announced a wave of maintenance that will be taking place at 5AM PDT and will end at 9AM PDT which will hopefully address the many bugs plaguing some of the quests as well as working out server issues.

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