Anyone who picked up Assassin’s Creed Unity on the day it was released would know that the game had too many bugs from the get go. Many were wondering why Ubisoft had released the game in this state anyway. Even though it got down to fixing those bugs right away and started quickly releasing patches, still that didn’t take the pain out of gamers’ experience. In order to atone for the botched release of this title Ubisoft is offering the first DLC for Assassin’s Creed Unity absolutely free.
This has become sort of a trend now. PS4 exclusive Driveclub players experienced issues with online gameplay following the release and to make up for their troubles the developer offered something along the same lines. I’m sure many gamers would just like the developers to fine tune these games before they’re released to save us all the trouble.
Apart from apologizing on behalf of the entire team the CEO of Ubisoft Montreal & Toronto, Yannis Mallat, confirmed that the Assassin’s Creed Unity Dead Kings DLC will be offered free for everyone. Season Pass holders will get the choice of one additional game from a selection of Ubisoft titles for free.
He also revealed that the third patch for Assassin’s Creed Unity is being released which brings a variety of fixes for specific issues relating to the game’s stability and performance.
Filed in Assassin's Creed Unity and Ubisoft.
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