Android 5.0 Delayed For HTC’s Google Play Edition Handsets

htc google playA report from earlier this week suggested that we could be getting Android 5.0 Lollipop on the HTC One M8 and M7 Google Play Editions this Friday, which is today, but unfortunately if you’re the owner of either handset, you’re out of luck because according to a recent tweet by HTC it looks like the update has been delayed.

According to Mo Versi, VP of Product Management at HTC, he revealed that while the update was supposed to arrive today for their handsets, Google had advised them to take the software for one more spin before releasing it, suggesting that the update might not be ready for prime time just yet.

It is unclear as to what might be the issues that caused the delay of the update, but we guess it’s hard to be mad that the update has been delayed. After all would you rather a buggy release now or a stable one later? Unfortunately Versi did not mention when exactly the update would be released, possibly because he didn’t want to set any expectations that HTC might not be able to meet.

Either way we’ll be keeping our eyes and ears peeled for more information regarding the release so do check back with us at a later date for the details.

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