Mac users often allege that Windows has copied several features from Apple’s desktop OS for Windows. A new video from Microsoft that shows off the Windows 10 trackpad gestures is likely to bring in the same response from that community. Many are saying that Microsoft has now incorporated “Mac-like” trackpad gestures in the upcoming desktop software.
New trackpad gestures were first introduced with Windows 8 but with the most recent announcement their scope is being expanded. The new trackpad gestures for Windows 10 will soon be available to Windows 10 testers. They were demonstrated by Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore at TechEd Europe conference.
Geared towards power users, and meant to speed up multitasking on Windows 10, the next major Windows iteration now has support for multiple finger gestures.
Gestures include using three fingers on trackpad to minimize all open windows by swiping down, swiping up will re-maximize all windows. When multiple windows are open swiping up with three fingers will activate Task View which allows users to see at a glance all open applications and virtual desktops. Last but not the least, swiping three fingers left or right to switch between applications.
If these gestures sound familiar that’s because they most likely are. For example take the switching between applications using three fingers to swipe right or left. Precisely the same gesture is used on Mac OS X in order to switch between full screen applications.
Microsoft has plans to bring the new feature to an upcoming Windows 10 Technical Preview build so that it can be tried out and that the company can receive feedback that may help it shape Windows features.