whatsapp-logo-newWhatsApp is a prominent instant messaging app, for those who are unfamiliar, and plays home to over 600 million users. It wasn’t too long ago that the developers introduced the ability to send voice recordings, but it looks like the company could be taking things to the next level by introducing VoIP calls and VoIP call recording.

This is according to a report from Geektime which echoes earlier rumors and reports that VoIP is a feature that could eventually make its way into the app, although the VoIP call recording is an interesting functionality that was not mentioned before, although as Geektime points out, it could raise some privacy concerns and legal challenges.

As it stands in the US, it is illegal to record a phone conversation without the other person knowing and consenting to it, although other countries’ laws might differ on the matter. We’re not sure what’s the point of offering VoIP call recording to begin with, but it does afford an added feature that other VoIP services do not offer.

Unfortunately it was not mentioned as to when these features might be introduced to WhatsApp, although if and when they do, it will present WhatsApp as a potential challenger to the likes of Skype and Viber and other VoIP services, and with Facebook’s backing and their current userbase, it could prove to be a pretty big challenger.

If you have an Android phone, there are ways to record the phone calls with an app.

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