Its safe to say that most of us have unintentionally damaged our smartphones at least once in our lives. An accidental drop is enough to shatter the screen in most cases and there are countless instances when a device might find itself submerged in water or have some liquid spilled on it. The Samsung Protection Plus Mobile Elite warranty program for customers in the U.S. is going to offer replacements for damaged devices, but its going to cost you.
Basically what this program does is extend warranty of supported Samsung devices by two years. So under the program devices damaged through drops, spills and with cracked screens or those that have mechanical and electrical failures will be covered. Samsung promises to have a replacement on its way within two business days or less.
During the coverage period up to three claims are allowed so if you have a habit of damaging your devices more than three times in less than two years you should probably look elsewhere. Once a replacement unit has been shipped and received only then are you required to send your damaged unit back to Samsung.
Samsung Protection Plus Mobile Elite program does come at a cost, $99.99 up front. Plus there is a service fee for each claim, $95 for Note series and $75 for Galaxy series.
The program is available for Galaxy S4, Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Note 4 only at this point in time, it can be purchased directly from Samsung’s website.
Filed in Galaxy, Galaxy Note and Samsung.
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