watch dogs

Ubisoft made its financial report for the first half of FY15 public today and there are some interesting bits of information that we gain from it. During this period Ubisoft saw a 65 percent increase in sales as opposed to the same time last year. Watch Dogs was a major contributing factor as more than nine million copies of the game were shipped during this period.

Here shipped means the retail DVDs of this game that were sent to retailers. The nine million figure does not accurately represent the number of copies that may have actually been sold to the end customer.

However another distinction must be made here. This number doesn’t include online sales, so no matter how many copies of Watch Dogs were purchased using an online store like the PlayStation Network, those numbers don’t even make up a fraction of the nine million copies shipped.

Solid performance of its back catalog which includes titles like Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag and Far Cry 3 also contributed to the increase in sales.

Watch Dogs fans can rest assured that this will be turned into a franchise. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has said that they expect this title to cross 10 million units milestone by the end of this year, adding that “great things” have been planned for this franchise which will be revealed in the future.

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