Well it looks like both companies could be working on something new again. This is according to Nike’s CEO Mark Parker who was interviewed by Bloomberg. In his interview, Parker does not specifically mention what kind of device they are making, although he did make a lot of comments on the wearable front, thus suggesting that perhaps a new Nike and Apple wearable could be in the works.
According to Parker, “Technologically we can do things together that we couldn’t do independently. So yeah, that’s part of our plan, is to expand the whole digital frontier in terms of wearables, and go from what we say is tens of millions of users – right now there’s 25 million Nike+ users – but to hundreds of millions.”
Parker also subtly hinted a reminder that Apple’s CEO Tim Cook is sitting on Nike’s board of directors, so safe to say there is some vested interested by Apple in Nike. Of course it remains to be seen when and what Nike and Apple could unveil, but what do you guys think another collaboration between both companies? Yay or nay?