wow dungeonWhile the World of Warcraft MMORPG might be slowly bleeding subscribers, 6 million plus active subscribers is nothing to sneeze at and we’re sure that many of these gamers are indeed looking forward to getting their hands on the Warlords of Draenor expansion that has been pegged for a release in November.

That being said, with every new expansion comes new content like new zones to explore, new raids, and for those who don’t have the time or energy to raid, we guess new instances will be able to do the trick as well. The good news for gamers looking to preview the new instances, Blizzard has posted on their website some details about the upcoming dungeons.

The expansion will see the inclusion of eight new dungeons right out the door, although it is possible that new content patches could introduce newer instances as well, but for now gamers will have to contend with playing 8. Blizzard has divided the dungeons into two groups – the first group will help players get loot and level from level 90 onwards, and the other group of dungeons will be aimed at players who have reached the max level and are looking for more difficult content.

The dungeons are Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Iron Docks, Auchindoun, Skyreach, Shadowmoon Burial Ground, The Everbloom, Grimrail Depot, and Upper Blackrock Spire. The dungeons will also feature anywhere between 3-5 bosses per instance. In any case if you’d like to read up on more of the dungeons, head on over to Blizzard’s blog for the details.

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