g5 tableAs far as computer designs were concerned, the Apple Power Mac G5 had a pretty interesting and almost futuristic look. Heck, even by today’s standards it looks like the design of the computer has held up pretty well, even if its internals haven’t. That being said, designer Klaus Geiger came up with an idea that managed to repurpose old Power Mac G5 computers and turned them into furniture.

As you can see in the images above and below, the old Power Mac G5 computers have been repurposed as furniture, such as desks in which a wooden plank is placed on top of two Power Mac G5 computers. Interestingly enough Geiger has managed to capture Apple’s essence in his design, especially when you think about how Apple Stores are typically furnished using wood, glass, and metal.

g5 table 2Geiger also came up with the idea of using the Power Mac G5 computers as potential drawers, and we have to admit that his creations look pretty good. However as to how well they actually hold up in terms of being able to withstand the weight of computers, laptops, books, and etc. remains to be seen, but from what we can tell, these designs exist more as concepts than actual products.

g5 table 3However if you do have some old Power Mac G5 shells lying around at home, perhaps you could borrow some of Geiger’s ideas and make it a reality. What do you guys think? Would you be willing to furnish your home with these desks and drawers?

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