I suppose it is just a matter of time before someone would come up with the idea of actually riding the wearable technology wave, and to work on a battery that will be able to recharge itself – through the use of kinetic energy, of course. Hence, here we are with what they call “Ampy”, where Ampy happens to be a spare battery pack that will certainly come in handy during times of trouble. It is currently a Kickstarter project, so if you would like to see it in the flesh, perhaps it would be best to rope in the rest of your circle of influence as well as family members to contribute their fair share of investment, too.
Ampy works this way – all that you need to do is to strap it to yourself, and it will start to charge itself up based on the amount of human movement within. I would like to think that this works best for those who are constantly in motion, especially when you are involved in a pretty rigorous exercise session. At least all of the number of steps taken, or miles ran, can juice up Ampy which in turn, will power your “thirsty” devices through USB. Hopefully, the final design will be something that is worth checking out in the end, since it does look a wee bit too bulky at this point in time.
Filed in Battery, Crowdfunding and Kickstarter.
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