Opera Mini Browser Beta Available To Everyone

operaminibetaEarlier this month, we reported on how Opera mini for Windows Phone has just entered into public beta, where one was required to sign up for the program with one’s email address before Opera sent out an email that contained the download link. Well, things do not need to be all that clandestine any more, as we are pleased as punch to announce that the Beta program is now made available to everyone – yes, you read that right, all.

Touted to be “one of the world’s fastest browsers”, Opera Mini is now available for download over on the Windows Store to run on Windows Phone-powered devices. What are some of the key features of this Opera Mini for Windows Phone browser?

For starters, you will be able to browse a whole lot faster, since content-heavy webpages that carry plenty of images and graphics will load a whole lot faster. Apart from that, webpages are also “lighter”, letting one experience an additional zip when browsing. Not only that, Opera Mini is capable of reducing webpages down to 10% of their normal size, helping you save on the amount of data consumed, while larger buttons and a clear layout pave the way for ease of use.

Do bear in mind that at the end of the day, this is a Beta, so do expect some bugs to pop up here and there, not to mention performance issues being part of a mixed bag.

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