intel_signSo far most, if not all, the smartwatches we’ve seen are watches that have been reimagined by tech companies. There are some pretty nice designs by Motorola with the Moto 360, and if the rumors are true, Apple’s iWatch is expected to be quite a looker as well. However it seems that Intel has a new plan that would involving getting a watch company to make a smartwatch.

According to a report from Re/code, it seems that Intel and the Fossil Group will be working together on creating wearables. For those unfamiliar, Fossil is a brand that has created various fashion products in the past, such as bags, wallets, and watches. In fact at one point the company was well known for their Fossil watches in which users could interchange watch straps and watch faces, with the faces sporting some pretty unique designs.

Intel’s CEO Brian Krzanich has stated that the company would rather partner with someone for their wearables as opposed to jumping in alone. This will not be Intel’s first collaborative effort as they have partnered with 50 Cent for headphones in the past and Intel’s MICA smart bracelet seems to confirm their plans for more fashionable wearables.

Unfortunately it is unclear as to when Intel and Fossil will unveil their wearables project, but it will be interesting to see what both companies will be able to come up with.

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