image-HTC-Nexus-9-keyboard-caseAn earlier report had revealed that NVIDIA had inadvertently confirmed the Nexus 9’s existence. The tablet is said to be made by HTC and it looks like it is a tablet that could be following in the footsteps of Microsoft’s Surface tablets by launching with a keyboard accessory of its own.

Well if you’re wondering what that keyboard accessory could look like, thanks to a sighting over at China’s National Communications Commission’s database, photos of the accessory have surface. Interestingly enough it seems that despite the accessory spotted being meant for the Nexus 9, there are some differences compared to the earlier drawings.

image-HTC-Nexus-9-keyboard-case2It has been speculated that the earlier sighting of the keyboard accessory was a possible prototype, or it could be that HTC is working on multiple versions of the keyboard accessory. Then again the differences in design don’t appear to be too different to warrant a variant, so a prototype could be a better explanation.

The keyboard design itself is pretty straightforward, although the cover for the tablet does resemble Apple’s iPad Smart Covers and even sports a folding design which could be used to help prop up the tablet. In any case perhaps we will learn more at HTC’s event which has been pegged for the 8th of October, so do check back with us then for the details.

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