google-glass-2.0Some believe that wearing gadgets like Google Glass while driving can be considered distracting. Some argue that it might not because unlike phones, the Glass is in front of our eyes which means we can still sort of look at the road even while using it. However according to a recent study (via ArsTechnica) conducted by the University of Central Florida has found otherwise.

According to the study, it seems that using Google Glass while driving is said to be no safer than using a phone to text while driving. However in all fairness, the study also found that compared to users of phones while driving, Google Glass wearers are more capable of regaining control of their vehicles in the event of a traffic incident.

Researcher Ben Sawyer said, “Compared to those just driving, multitaskers reacted more slowly, preserved less headway during the break event, and subsequently adopted greater following distances.” It was also noted that Google Glass wearers were observed to follow cars ahead much more closely, which in turn could lead in accidents in the event the front car brakes and the Glass wearer cannot react in a timely manner.

Back in 2013, a woman was actually given a fine for wearing Google Glass while driving. She contested the ticket and in a victory for wearable advocates, the ticket was ultimately dismissed by the courts.

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