cortana-conversionWindows Phone’s Cortana is slowly but surely growing in stature, as the users start to discover all of the little details that this digital personal assistant is capable of. In fact, some of the features have been a so-called staple on Siri and Google Now, but this does not mean that Cortana users will have to lag behind. No sir, with Cortana, you too, are able to get a grasp of the worldwide time, and this feature comes in especially handy if you are about to make a long distance call across different time zones, but have not quite mastered the nuances of addition and subtraction just yet.

Apart from being able to tell the different time zones in the world, Cortana is also able to handle currency conversion – pretty useful if you are in a spot and need to find out just how much something overseas cost before you perform a conversion yourself here. Both of these features are old hat to Siri and Google Now, but for Cortana users, it is always nice to know that at least this digital personal assistant is on par with its far more famous mobile operating system rivals.

What are the other things about Cortana that you love over Siri and Google Now?

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