This means that while there will be plenty of day one reviews, Bungie has actually advised gamers to stay away from day one reviews as they might not necessarily reflect the entire game’s experience. According to a post on Bungie’s website, DeeJ writes, “We fully anticipate seeing day one reviews from folks who decide to kick the tires, but don’t have the time or patience to take our ride for a nice, long road trip.”
However this doesn’t mean that the reviewers are wrong or that Destiny is a bad game, it’s just that it might not be indicative of what the game could offer in the long run. DeeJ later adds, “Some of you might wait to pick up a copy until you read the final verdict from your most trusted review house. We’re okay with that. We’ve created something we’re proud of.”
In any case with Activision investing a whopping $500 million into the game and given the the somewhat positive feedback the game has received based on its alpha and beta releases, we can only imagine that the final product should be pretty impressive, but what do you guys think?