The product that many Apple fans had been waiting for was finally unveiled yesterday. Apple’s first wearable device, called the Apple Watch, was shown off to the world. Its the first truly new product that Apple has come up with in the past few years. The company spent a lot of time talking about its features but it didn’t mention a very crucial detail: the Apple Watch battery life. If a new report is to be believed, it may not last for an entire day’s worth of usage.
Many found it odd that Apple conveniently decided to skip talking about the Apple Watch battery life. Most people who go out in the market to purchase a smartwatch would certainly want to know how much it can last on a single charge. During the hands-on sessions yesterday and interviews with media outlets, none of the Apple representatives or executives said anything about the battery life.
According to sources who spoke with Re/code, the company isn’t exactly happy with the Apple Watch’s battery performance. “It’s about a day right now,” and apparently the company is working on some modifications that will hopefully improve the battery life before the product hits the market early next year.
When asked by the scribe to provide an estimate of the battery life Apple spokeswoman declined to put a number on it. However she did say that the company believes “people will charge nightly.”
As we mentioned in our Apple Watch overview, one must not forget that the company is limited by technology so it would be unfair to place all the blame for unimpressive battery life on Cupertino’s shoulders. We’ll get a true picture of the Apple Watch battery life once it finally hits the market at some point early next year.
Filed in Apple Watch, Smartwatches and Wearable Tech.
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