During Apple’s announcement on the 9th of September, the Cupertino company also unveiled new iCloud subscription plans which were cheaper than what was offered from before. This is great news for new customers, although it does seem a bit unfair to current customers who might not be too happy at having paid more.
Well the good news is that according to reports and an email received from Apple, it seems that Apple has worked quickly to give existing iCloud subscribers a partial refund. According to Circa’s editor Nicholas Deleon, he has been paying $40 a year for 25GB of storage, but Apple has since informed him that they will be giving him a prorated refund of $2.38 from now until then to cover the difference in price, which is now $12 for the same storage.
Previous Apple had given users 5GB of free storage but had charged $20 for extra 10GB, $40 for 20GB, and $100 for 50GB. However with the new pricing announced, it has been made cheaper and more affordable and will now cost users $1 a month for 20GB, $4 a month for 200GB, $10 a month for 500GB, and for those who actually needs 1TB of data, it will cost $20 a month.
Given that we can expect to see the new iCloud Photo Library which will allow users to select and download the photos stored on iCloud across all devices, we guess the extra storage could come in handy if you have multiple iOS devices. In any case have our readers received similar refund emails as well?
Filed in Icloud.
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