gta-5-patchWe know that there are probably many gamers who were thrilled to learn that Rockstar would be releasing Grand Theft Auto V on the PC and next-gen consoles, but apart from the obviously updated graphics, what kind of features and changes could we expect in the game? Well according to a post on NeoGAF, it seems that there are many changes Rockstar will be making.

According to the post, the poster claims that Rockstar had apparently given a 45-minute behind-closed-doors presentation to retailers. The goal of the meeting was to get retailers to push the next-gen version of Grand Theft Auto V as much as they did with the current-gen versions.

While the authenticity of the post cannot be verified, here are some of the highlights of the post. For starters the poster claims that character models in the game have been improved upon. The details in the game have also been “massively improved”. For example rain water actually pools up on the road to add to the realism.

The animal models have also been improved upon and gamers can actually see actual fur standing out on the body, as opposed to the previous release which was kind of “flat”. Of course we expect that the core components of the game and its gameplay will remain unchanged, but if you were looking for a graphically souped up version of the game, then this could be it.

No word on when the game will be released although retailer Newegg has suggested an 18th of November date, but we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for more information.

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