tmo_signPrepaid phones are great if you’re traveling from outstation, or if you’re a student on a budget and don’t want to be committed to paying a monthly subscription. It is also great for regular folks who don’t enjoy being tied to a particular carrier. Now all the major carriers offer prepaid services, but in a recent press release from T-Mobile, the carrier claims to have surpassed the likes to Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon to become the number one carrier in prepaid wireless in the US.

Based on the figures T-Mobile has provided, they claim that they currently boast 15.64 million prepaid customers. This is versus Sprint’s 15.19 million customers, AT&T’s 11.34 million customers, and Verizon’s 6.04 million prepaid customers.

According to a statement released by John Legere, T-Mobile’s CEO, “The good news just keeps on coming for T-Mobile. The momentum we’re seeing with our T-Mobile and MetroPCS brands is outstanding, and the fact that we’ve blown by everyone to take the No.1 spot in prepaid is icing on the cake.”

Legere seems to be pretty confident about T-Mobile’s position in the market and has predicted that the carrier will overtake Sprint in total customers by the end of the year. “As a matter of fact, I’m going on record—I predict we’ll overtake Sprint in total customers by the end of this year. Not someday. Not next year. This year. Americans are voting with their feet, and they’re joining this Un-carrier revolution by the millions.”

T-Mobile’s leap to the number one spot is probably thanks to the carrier’s aggressive marketing and plans which seems to go against the grain in the industry. It probably helped that back in 2013, they acquired MetroPCS where they eventually migrated MetroPCS’ customers into their network as well.

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