That being said for those who have yet to try Swing Copters, it seems that Nguyen has a knack for creating games that are deceptively difficult, despite the seemingly straightforward gameplay. For those who have tried the game, you know it can be pretty tricky trying to get your copter to fly in the direction that you want.
Well the good news is that if you were particularly frustrated by the game’s difficulty, Nguyen has recently released an update for the game that has made it ever so slightly less difficult for gamers. He has basically moved the initial steel bar and swinging hammers up so that gamers will have more space and time to correct their copter and get into the rhythm before attempting to navigate the obstacles.
Personally I have to admit it’s not that much easier, but the extra space does help. The update has been released and is available for download via the iTunes App Store or Google Play as a free download.