samsung nookBack in June, Samsung and Barnes & Noble announced a partnership in which they would release co-branded tablets, the first of which was the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook. Given that Barnes & Noble have ceased production of their Nook tablets, essentially ceding their market share to the likes of Amazon, we guess this is one way for the company to remain relevant in the tablet/e-book world.

That being said, CNET has recently reported that Samsung and Barnes & Noble have started to send out invites to an event that will be held on the 20th of August. While the invite does not mention what will be happening, the fact that the Nook and Samsung logo are on it more or less gives it away.

CNET expects that the event will be where Samsung and Barnes & Noble show off the Galaxy Tab 4 Nook, giving attendees a chance to play with the device. However considering that the Galaxy Tab 4 Nook is essentially a Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 with some slight modifications, we guess there’s not much to check out in terms of hardware.

Samsung did not mention if the tablet would be going on sale at the event or if they will be announcing its pricing and availability, but either way do check back with us on the 20th of August for the details.

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