Milk Music Comes With New Dial Design

milkbeatsDo you find it a snap for your radio streaming service to locate the kind of music that you generally favor? If you answered in the negative, then you might want to check out Milk Music, as this radio streaming service will offer a wide range of music to suit all tastes, but it is also a snap to enjoy music in just the way you like it. Sporting an intuitive and convenient user interface, Milk Music will boast of features such as 13,000,000 million songs to choose from – which means there is hardly any excuse that “there’s nothing nice to listen to on radio”.

Apart from that, you also get to experience other kinds of music that you would never have had the chance to in the first place if you kept to the commercial Top 40 hits and all that jazz. Going through all 13 million songs could prove to be quite a mountain to climb, and Milk Music has “solved” this issue with Dial Design, as it offers an intuitive and natural way to listen to music.

The Dial will sport an inner rim and outer rim, where individual rim will turn at different speeds. Being responsive, you get to experience haptic feedback as you turn it. The outer rim will scan for music stations in double quick time, while the inner rim will be used for more precise scanning through stations.

In a nutshell, Milk Music, being a streaming radio service, will let you tune in to your choice of music at the same time making it a snap to discover new music on your own. If you haven’t given it a go already, perhaps you might want to check it out. [Press Release]

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