facebook messengerAs you guys must have heard, Facebook is planning on removing the chat feature from their Facebook mobile app. This means that users who wish to chat with their friends on Facebook will have to download the dedicated Messenger app to do so. This isn’t that big of a deal for those who already have the app, but for those holding out, well you should probably think about downloading it soon.

This is according to the folks at Mashable who reported that a Facebook spokesperson had confirmed to them that starting on Wednesday, there were some users who found that the Messages feature from the Facebook mobile app had disappeared. As expected with Facebook’s change and updates, this is typically done in phases.

What this means is that you could still have the feature in your Facebook app, but your friend may not. It is unclear how long it will take before all Facebook users are affected, but according to the spokesperson, the update is expected to continue its rollout over the next coming weeks, so maybe it’s time you download the Messenger app and prepare for it.

Right now the it seems that this is only affecting iPhone and Android smartphone users. For those using Facebook on their iPads or on Windows Phone, this should not affect you. So if you have yet to download the app, hit up the iTunes App Store or Google Play for the download.

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