htc tablet wifiIt has been several years since HTC had released a tablet, but if the rumors are to be believed all of that could change in 2014. According to reports, HTC is apparently set to release the Nexus 9 tablet and if recent photos are proof, we could have caught our first glimpse of it. Now we know some of you guys are understandably skeptical, and we are too ourselves.

However according to a recent sighting on the WiFi Alliance website, it seems that we have pretty solid evidence that a HTC tablet does exist, although to be fair we can’t be 100% certain it is the rumored Nexus 9. As you can see in the screenshot above, the WiFi Alliance lists a tablet made by HTC.

The listing also adds that it will run on Android L as its operating system of choice, which is unsurprising given that Google’s Nexus products usually features the latest version of Android. There is also mention of the codename “flounder” in the listing, which many believe is related to the HTC nexus 9 tablet.

Now the question we’re sure many are asking is when will HTC make the official announcement? Unfortunately a release date or announcement date is still pretty much up in the air at the moment, but hopefully we won’t have to wait too long to see what HTC has in store for us!

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