BlackBerry has only launched one new device this year and that was the Z3. Codenamed “Jakarta,” the device made its debuted exclusively in Indonesia. After it performed well in the market there the device was then expanded to a handful of other emerging markets, including India. The company priced it around $200 to make sure that it went up against Android phones in the low-end category. In a recent interview the company’s CEO John Chen revealed that the Z3 has been “extremely well received” in both Indonesia and India.
Some had feared that once the initial demand for the Z3 ended sales would hit a slump. Chen’s comments are contrary to this belief. He says that there’s continuous demand for the BlackBerry Z3 in these markets and that the device is being appreciated for its display size, price and battery life.
Chen didn’t reveal exact sales figures though so its hard to say exactly how many units has the company shipped up till now. The Z3 is manufactured by Foxconn under a five year partnership that it inked with the Canadian manufacturer last year.
Chen was also quick to point out that the company’s five year deal with Foxconn isn’t exclusive, which means that BlackBerry can outsource production to other companies as well if they meet its criteria. For the time being, it looks like the first collaboration between BB and Foxconn has done well.
Filed in BlackBerry and Blackberry Z3.
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