ascend-d3-backA few days ago, we reported that Huawei had begun sending out invites to an event that they will be holding on the 4th of September. While Huawei has yet to explicitly mention what they will be announcing, many are speculating that the handset could be the Huawei Ascend D3 (although we heard it might be the Ascend Mate 3). The handset is said to be the successor to the Ascend D2 which was shown off at CES 2013.

Well thanks to new photos that have been leaked, we know have a glimpse as to what we might be able to expect from Huawei come September. The photos don’t show the fully assembled phone, but rather the back plates of the device. From what we can tell, they look like they are of a metal finish and there is a cutout below the camera which some have speculated to be a fingerprint sensor.

After all Apple kind of made fingerprint sensors popular again with the iPhone 5s and we saw Samsung follow suit with the Galaxy S5, so it isn’t really a stretch to think that Huawei could be thinking of hopping on board the fingerprint bandwagon as well. Of course this is merely speculation so we guess we’ll just have to wait until September to find out.

In any case take it with a grain of salt for now, but if you’re interested in seeing how Huawei might stack up against the competition, do check back with us in September to see if there are any official details that can be had.

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