zte-mf97-sprintPico projectors have more or less gone the way of the dodo – or to put it in a technologically correct context, the way of the netbook. There is basically no strong market to drive innovation as well as a high adoption rate in order to turn it into a dynamic market niche, quite unlike the smartphone and tablet markets that are fast growing, with some companies like Lenovo wanting to contribute up to 60 new smartphone models in this year alone. Having said that, here is a particularly strange device that has its fair share of uses – the alleged ZTE MF97A, which is an Android-powered Wi-Fi hotspot that also doubles up as a pico projector, and it looks set to be made available from the folks over at Sprint.

Other than the model number as well as possible mobile carrier in which the ZTE MF97A will be made available from, @evleaks did not share any more details on what this particular device will carry. We are pretty much in the dark at the moment when it comes to matters such as the kind of brightness level the ZTE MF97A offers, in addition to just how many devices can it support as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. Not too shabby an idea actually, but the biggest test would be its battery life – chances are you will have to turn this into a wall hugger most of the time if you’re going to maximize its usage.

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