mtv-top20Social networks do play a very important role in our lives these days, and they are not only tools used to keep in touch between family and friends, but companies, too, are interested to know just what makes a particular person tick so that they are better able to zero in on future potential customers. Having said that, MTV is set to pioneer a new music video chart known as the Your MTV Top 20 that will see the rankings of the Top 20 music videos depend on the number of fan interactions.

Yes sir, this means that throughout the entire week, MTV will keep track of the most popular global music videos all the way across MTV’s very own properties, ranging from websites to social platforms as well as apps. Not only that, MTV will also obtain data from The Echo Nest, which is a ‘music intelligence’ company that hopes to help developers as well as media firms integrate music data in their products, so that these products will have a higher chance of being a “hit” with potential customers.

A shortlist of the most played videos from more over 60 MTV-branded networks will be compiled on a weekly basis, and each fan who views such music videos on the chart site as well as through third-party platforms, must do justice to that music video by hitting the ‘Like’, ‘Share’ or ‘Tweet’ button in order to increase the sphere of influence for the track’s position.

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