The Elder Scrolls Online Update 3 Coming Next Month

Bethesda and ZeniMax Online announced today that The Elder Scrolls Online Update 3 is going to be released in August. This is going to be the third major update for this subscription based MMO and it brings items such as tabards, armor dyes, heraldries, bank gold and a host of other Guild-related features. The focus of this update appears to be all on Guilds. It will also bring changes for the preliminary veteran rank system and address issues with itemization, class balance and combat feel.

Bethesda also announced that all campaigns that were running until patch 1.3 have been closed and that five new campaigns have been added. These include Bow of Shadows, Blackwater Blade, Haderus, Chillrend and Thornblade campaigns.

The first is a 5 day veteran rank only and the second a 5 day non-veteran rank only campaign. Haderus is a 7 day standard campaign anyone can join and so is Chillrend. Thornblade is a 30 day standard campaign that can also be joined by anyone.

To make the experience more fun ZeniMax is looking to enhance the core combat experience and it promises that this update leads to a more smoother and responsive combat system. It will also make changes to animations, audio, timing, server network optimization and other factors to make combat more engaging.

The Elder Scrolls Online is only available on the PC right now and it is expected that the game will be released for PS4 and Xbox One later this year or early next year. A preview of the upcoming update has now been posted online.

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