tmobile-simplified-billT-Mobile has certainly come under scrutiny over the weekend with allegations by the FTC that the company managed to earn “millions” along the way by including bogus charges in customers’ bills, although T-Mobile has since shot back with a denial and claimed transparency in all that they did. One thing cannot be denied, however, is that some T-Mobile phone bills do tend to end up being pretty lengthy – although that is set to change with what you see above – a new and simplified bill from T-Mobile themselves.

Apparently, T-Mobile has now broken its bill into different sections which will include Balance, Current charges as well as listing down a bunch of stuff that they have made alterations to in recent times.

Considering how most folks have to contend with items such as device payment plans and data add-ons among others in a single account, let alone multiple accounts, things can get pretty confusing – and fast! T-Mobile hopes that their new bill look will be able to cut to the chase by breaking down the different segments of the bill, while explaining what has been changed since the last bill.

Do you like what you see so far if you have already received the new T-Mobile bill, and for those who haven’t, I am quite sure that you are looking forward to it.

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