T-Mobile even reiterates that the mobile phone carrier has actually taken steps to stop billing for these Premium SMS services since 2013, in addition to rolling out a proactive program that will offer full refunds to any customer who felt that he or she were charged for something that they had no intention of subscribing to, or did not want. The mobile carrier also underlined their intention to change and revolutionize the workings of the wireless industry, and are deeply disappointed with the FTC’s action.
Citing their role as the Un-carrier, T-Mobile’s belief is that customers ought to pay only for what they want, as well as what they sign up for – no more, no less. It remains to be seen what will come out of the entire lawsuit, and as to who will be left standing after the dust settles, we do not know. The thing is, customers who have been wrong, or done right by T-Mobile, ought to state their respective cases and let the courts of law decide.