Darren Marshall happens to be the brain behind Reelagram, is an entrepreneur who feels that this particular product has its place even in the digital age. For starters, you will be able to select 7 photos from your Instagram gallery, and after handing over $29.95, you will be on the receiving end of a reel and a viewer. The viewer will arrive in red, blue, black or white color choices, and they will ship within five business days.
Instagram, however, has put in a request for Reelagram to change its name. With Facebook as the new owner of Instagram, a witch hunt was carried out since last summer, with Facebook’s crosshairs trained on connected mobile apps that made use of either “Insta” and/or “Gram” in their titles, with trademark violations being the reason behind such moves. Reelagram should not be lumped under the same group since it is clearly not an app, so we do wonder whether the legal eagles will be able to clear up the situation.