Apple has long used Sony’s Exmor sensor technology with their iPhones. For example the iPhone 4S and the iPhone 5 used the Exmor IMX145 unit, while the iPhone 5s used a newer model, but with the iPhone 6, Apple is said to turn to Sony’s Exmor IMX220 which boasts a 13MP and 1/2.3-inch sensor.
The sensor will allow for 1080p videos and is also said to be making an appearance in the rumored Sony Xperia Z3. The source, Digi-Wo, has not really reported on Apple rumors in the past, but it should be pointed out that they have been fairly accurate with Sony-related rumors, so perhaps there might be some truth to their claims.
In any case we expect that the camera on the iPhone 6 will be an area that Apple plans to emphasize on, so whether it will end up being an 8MP f/2.0 camera with OIS or a new 13MP Sony Exmor sensor, we guess we will just have to wait and see. In the meantime what do you guys prefer? Would you prefer a larger megapixel, or have Apple maintain the megapixel count but include features like OIS instead?