
About two months back Babak Parviz, the man who founded and led the Google Glass project at the Mountain View company, stepping aside to hand over the helm of the Glass team to VP Ivy Ross. He also led the contact lens project at Google. Now though Parviz has said goodbye to Google for good as he joins Amazon, a company that has been slowly building up its presence in the hardware game.

At Google Parviz’s role was pretty clear. At Amazon, not so much. There is publicly available information as yet which reveals what the former Glass lead is going to do at Amazon. One can presume that the company will bank on his vast experience in the field of optics for future devices, or even improve features like dynamic perspective in its smartphone, the Amazon Fire Phone.

Apart from leading the Glass team Parviz has also worked on research projects in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington which include work on organic and inorganic nano-scale devices. As previously mentioned he led the contact lens project at Google, which is geared at diabetics and is able to measure glucose levels through tears.

Having posted about his move on Google+, Parviz updated the “About” section of his profile to reflect that after leading a few efforts at Google he has now moved to Amazon and will “work on a few other things.” One can only imagine what he will be up to next.

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