Each wing will be released gradually and gamers can choose to either buy their way into each wing with either in-game gold earned from playing games, or real-life money. Blizzard has also offered to sell access to all wings as a bundle, or gamers can choose to buy them individually. Naturally individual purchases will be priced higher at $6.99 each or 700 gold.
This means that buying all five wings will cost around $35 or 3,500 gold. The bundle will be sold slightly cheaper at $24.99. It seems that Blizzard is really pushing the bundle purchase because even if you bought individual dungeons, you can purchase the remainder at a discount as well. Now given that your in-game gold can be used towards card packs or Arena entry fees, we guess paying for the dungeons might be a better way to go about spending real-life money instead of gold.
It does seem a bit pricey but if you’ve already invested in the game, perhaps spending money to unlock the wings could be justified. In any case Blizzard expects to release the Curse of Naxxramas expansion for Hearthstone later this month, so check back with in the coming weeks for an announcement!