apple-stellaStellaService, a customer service analytics company, has revealed in a new report that places Apple tops among companies that offer online delivery services – in terms of speed, that is. This is a huge jump from Apple’s eighth-place ranking just earlier this year in April. Apart from that, this also marks the very first time that Apple occupied the top spot as their June performance with an average processing-and-delivery time of just 2.3 days.

2.3 days on average would mean it is better than majority of the other online clothing stores including the likes of Abercrombie, Zappos, and Nike among others. There is also a separate study that did rank a wide range of aspects concerning customer service, and Apple came out tops as well, according to J. Crew and Mr Porter.

You can say that Apple is a thorn among the roses, being the lone tech company when it comes to fast deliveries, while all of its other rivals come in the form of fashion retail sites. Apart from Apple, the companies behind it were American Eagle Outfitters, Cap, UnderArmour and H&M. Apple even saw its position increase to third from seventh in April in an overall customer satisfaction survey, now how about that?

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