amazon-readerIt seems that a leaked internal Staples document points out that Amazon will have a mobile credit card reader rolled out in due time, with this particular model being produced by the folks over at Square, who have shown off a pretty proficient track record when it comes to mobile payments. The leaked Staples document revealed a price point of $9.99 for the mobile credit card reader, and chances are it will be introduced to the masses from the 12th of August onward.

This Amazon mobile credit card reader will not be too different from those that are offered by the likes of Square, PayPal and Staples, as this particular accessory will be hooked up to a smartphone. Needless to say, this mobile accessory will have something to do with Amazon’s most recent launch of a mobile wallet app meant for smartphones.

It is a no-brainer that Amazon does have the financial capability to give it a go, and with Square looking for a buyer earlier this April so that they can stem the red tide in their balance books after losing an estimated $100 million in the previous year, such a tie up could blossom into something larger in the long run.

The credit card readers will connect to a smartphone via the headphone jack, where users can swipe a credit card through the opening that is located on the other end of the product. After the transaction is processed, the user will receive a confirmation number that is displayed on the screen itself, and each transaction will see Amazon receive a tiny percentage to boost their coffers further.

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